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Calendar   17 January, 2025 //

The hidden risks behind your legacy systems

#Security & compliance
Barry Fisher, Founder and CEO at Pivale Drupal agency - a man with dark hair, a neat beard, moustache and glasses.

Written by

Barry Fisher

Founder & CEO

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Does your current system resemble a Blue Peter Project, cobbled together with glue and tape to cover the cracks? There might be a sense of internal pride in the quick fixes, but it’s time to face the truth. No-one trusts a system that isn’t robust, secure, and dependable. A make-shift solution might feel like a temporary win, but in today’s digital world, it’s a recipe for disaster.

Whether you’ve just stepped into a new role, joined a new company, or been caught up in a merger or acquisition, you might find yourself stuck dealing with legacy systems. Or perhaps you’ve been turning a blind eye to outdated platforms and old software, only to realise the severity of the risks. From the looming threat of a data breach to falling foul of compliance rules, spotting the problem is only the beginning. Without clear ownership and a roadmap to address these security risks, it’s like sitting on a ticking time bomb.

Chaos equals risk

In our experience, many organisations find themselves in a bit of a pickle when it comes to technology. From outdated systems to juggling multiple websites, they’re exposed to security risks but turn a blind eye, leaving the situation to get worse. We’ve worked with clients who were aware of problems but found it difficult to know where to start or faced internal issues that prevented them making progress to solve the issues at hand.

From a cybersecurity perspective, chaos equals risk. When roles and accountability aren’t clearly defined, organisations become easy targets. If your digital infrastructure has outdated systems, you are likely making yourself vulnerable. With the rise of sophisticated hackers, bots, and AI-driven threats, it’s not a matter of if a breach will happen, it’s a matter of when. Recent statistics show that UK businesses have experienced around 7.78 million cyber-crimes in the last year alone.

The cost of doing nothing

If you’re thinking, “We’re too small for hackers to bother with”, think again. The stats tell a different story. Two thirds of small businesses (66%) have fallen victim to cybercrime in the last two years, with the average UK company spending £21,000 to recover from a single attack.

Then there’s the risk of GDPR fines. Just ask British Airways, they got slapped with a £20 million fine. Ignoring security isn’t just risky; it’s expensive. And fines are just the tip of the iceberg. A security breach can damage reputation, disrupt operations and in some cases, cause businesses to fail. Are you confident in what puts you at risk? Take a look at some of the areas where you could unknowingly be uncompliant:

  • Inadequate security measures, such as missing encryption, weak firewalls, and poorly managed access controls, to safeguard data and systems
  • Untested backup processes
  • Lack of robust security policies and clear internal policies and procedures, including staff onboarding and offboarding
  • Insufficient cybersecurity training and awareness programs leaving employees vulnerable to mistakes
  • Poor authentication controls
  • Poor incident response plans, making breaches harder to contain

The cost of ignoring these issues multiply over time. Patching systems might take a backseat to a sparkly new website or tight budgets, but those unresolved vulnerabilities don’t disappear, they grow.

Want to read more about protecting your digital assets? Take a look at: The digital bouncer article. 

Don't ignore the dragon

Think of it like the story There’s No Such Thing As A Dragon, by Jack Kent, where the mother won't admit that dragons exist until it is nearly too late. It keeps getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger... It's not until they finally acknowledge that a giant dragon is stuffed inside their house that it shrinks back to normal. Do you have such dragons growing in your organisation?

Our advice is to be always vigilant -prepare for the worst and strive for the best. Proactive measures cost less than the fallout of a breach. Don’t let your business become another cautionary tale. Also, you’ll want to ensure you can prove you’ve done everything reasonably possible to prevent breaches - both to management (so you can sleep at night) and to governing bodies should a breach result in a leak of personally identifiable information.

Procrastinating on security measures and compliance only compounds the problem, making eventual solutions more expensive and complex. The key is to act now, addressing risks before they spiral out of control.

But whatever you do, don't panic! You don’t have to face these issues alone. Seek help and guidance from experts and also your internal teams who can help put you in a far better position.

No time for sloping shoulders

We’ve seen it many times before, when it comes to addressing security risks, the question of responsibility often leads to a frustrating cycle of indecision. Whether it’s internal politics, budget battles, or simply ignoring the problem, the risks won’t disappear on their own. If you’re in a leadership role, it’s your responsibility to drive change and build a culture of security. Operating securely is a collective effort, but accountability for setting priorities and making decisions rests firmly at the top. Ignoring these issues isn’t just a risk to your business, it could be a risk to your career.

Cybersecurity isn’t just for the IT crowd; it’s a shared responsibility across the business. Acting today can save you a fortune tomorrow, not to mention your reputation. Think of it this way: solving a £1 million problem might only cost £10,000 if you act early. The real question is, will you deal with it now or wait until it’s too late? Prevention is far cheaper than dealing with the fallout.

Pivale's flexible approach

At Pivale, we make cybersecurity straightforward. From quick-wins to longer-term solutions, we work with you to transform complex challenges into manageable steps. Whether it’s conducting audits, developing roadmaps, or helping you build a business case for board approval, we’re here to help.

Our approach is tailored to your needs. We’ll identify vulnerabilities, prioritise what needs fixing, and ensure compliance. All without long-term commitments. With Pivale, you can reduce high maintenance costs, resolve integration challenges, and mitigate compliance risks.

Start the conversation today and let us help secure your business’s future. With a free 30-minute chat, we can talk through where you’re at and where you want to be.

Book your chat now!


What are the potential risks of legacy systems? Dropdown

Whether you’ve just stepped into a new role, joined a new company, or been caught up in a merger or acquisition, you might find yourself stuck dealing with legacy systems. Or perhaps you’ve been turning a blind eye to outdated platforms and old software, only to realise the severity of the risks. From the looming threat of a data breach to falling foul of compliance rules, spotting the problem is only the beginning. Without clear ownership and a roadmap to address these security risks, it’s like sitting on a ticking time bomb.

What are some of the costs associated with ignoring Cybersecurity? Dropdown

If your digital infrastructure has outdated systems, you are likely making yourself vulnerable to:

  • A Security breach - With the rise of sophisticated hackers, bots, and AI-driven threats, it’s not a matter of if a breach will happen, it’s a matter ofwhen.
  • GDPR fines - Just ask British Airways, they got slapped with a £20 million fine. Ignoring security isn’t just risky; it’s expensive.
  • Damage to reputation - A security breach can damage reputation, disrupt operations and in some cases, cause businesses to fail.

The cost of ignoring these issues multiply over time. Patching systems might take a backseat to a sparkly new website or tight budgets, but those unresolved vulnerabilities don’t disappear, they grow.

What areas put you at risk of being incompliant? Dropdown
  • Inadequate security measures, such as missing encryption, weak firewalls, and poorly managed access controls, to safeguard data and systems
  • Untested backup processes
  • Lack of robust security policies and clear internal policies and procedures, including staff onboarding and offboarding
  • Insufficient; cybersecurity training and awareness programs leaving employees vulnerable to mistakes
  • Poor authentication controls
  • Poor incident response plans, making breaches harder to contain
How can our business prevent a security breach? Dropdown

Our advice is to be always vigilant -prepare for the worst and strive for the best. Seek help and guidance from experts to ensure you are compliant and have proactive security measures in place.

What is the best solution for tackling cybersecurity? Dropdown

To secure your business’s future, make cybersecurity a priority. Choose an expert partner with a flexible approach. At Pivale, we make cybersecurity straightforward. From quick-wins to longer-term solutions, we work with you to transform complex challenges into manageable steps. Whether it’s conducting audits, developing roadmaps, or helping you build a business case for board approval, we’re here to help.

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Barry Fisher, Founder and CEO at Pivale Drupal agency - a man with dark hair, a neat beard, moustache and glasses.

Written by

Barry Fisher

Founder & CEO

Barry is our founder and CEO, responsible for delivering on our mission statement and ensuring successful digital transformation for our clients. Barry oversees the majority of our consulting and digital transformation projects.

The Pivale team from left to right - Pri Scarabelli, Julie Manning, Barry Fisher, Darren Fisher, and Daniel Johnson.

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